Thursday, 7 April 2011


My contents page follows codes and conventions used in other R&B/Hip-hop magazines. During my research, of contents pages, text was aligned in little stories and images or an image was used. So i had made my contents page easy and straight forward so it will be less complicated for my target audience. My page consisted of four images each with their own story. This is why my contents page may be unique. Most contents pages had one main image whereas this one had snap shots of different images creating more engagement to the viewer. Furthermore, during my research, I had found that contents pages should not be fancy and full of colour. It should have a plain background consisting of the same house style and colour used in the front cover for any text that was used. The images used in the contents contain fashion, sex scandals, celebs, upcoming artists and depravity, which all meet codes and conventions that occur in young people's lives and what they may be interested in.

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