Saturday, 9 April 2011

Evaluation Part (vii)

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

During the time of the construction of my preliminary task to the main task, I have learnt a lot of things mentioned in the past question. I was more experienced through time and this had helped me to construct a far better magazine than my preliminary task. For example, the colour schemes of my preliminary task were questionable. The quality, sharpness and composition were poor. This is because of the lack of care when the image was originally taken and underdeveloped editing skills. Also, I learnt how to use a variety of camera shots which can imply a variety of stories about him/her. In addition, another factor affecting the design of my magazine was the dramatic amount of research put into the construction compared to the preliminary task. The preliminary task had no research while the main task had a lot of research going into it. The preliminary task was constructed without the need of consultation and comparison with other read magazines, while the main task was compared to Vibe, for example, every single step. Therefore, from the progression of the task, I have learnt how an R&B/Hip-hop fits its purpose through the use of imagery, house styles, codes and conventions, etc and how to make a magazine suit their target audience.

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